Today is my youngest son's birthday. My heart feels pressed and my eyes well up with tears as the spirit is prompting this story on my heart. It is such a sensitive, heart-throbbing reality in everyone's life that it can't be left unsaid.
It starts with the story of the disciples of Jesus. If they knew the cost of following Jesus- if their families knew the cost, would their stories look different? They gave their lives that others might live. Some might argue; what a cruel God would do such a thing? That would allow His only son to be tortured and crucified? Maybe we're asking the wrong question: "How evil must the human heart be that it takes a life to break the chains of darkness?"
The stories of those before us. To name one: Jim Elliott and his friends were murdered for the sake of Christ so that a whole village could get to know the love of Christ. It took his wife Elisabeth to place the spiritual dead above her own loss.
One of our missionary friends left this world while on a mission in Uganda. My flesh told me it could not be! The enemy is stealing, but sometimes God's answer is no and it is hard for our human minds to grasp. We can't see the bigger picture or into man's heart but God can. He really does know best, we can only win by completely surrendering to an omniscient God.
What I'm writing might be offensive or even foreign to some, but as 1 Corinthians 13:12 says: For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
The story would be incomplete without sharing the testimony of Henri's dad healed by faith from heart failure. Incredible to be a witness to his testimony; no meds and his face was full of light. He had a fall and fractured his hip. He was adamant to walk in Jesus healing power for his leg aswell. Once you tasted Jesus victory, there is no turning back! Unfortunatly life happens and one might say that your hand is forced in a direction. In hospital the reports confirmed his heart had no sign of failure. He joined those that has gone before him while under surgery. While we celebrate his life, my heart was confused and shocked! In the midst God comes and reassures and calms the hearts of those remaining behind.
Eighty-something years ago, my grandmother gave birth to a son. God told her to name him Stefanus, because he would be the first martyr in the family. Right before his tenth birthday, he was taken to be with Jesus after much suffering, inexplicable to all doctors. This December, God took me back to my roots. I got to see the house their son died in, but was soon filled with joy again by the birth of my father, a year later, in that same house. I also got to visit my young uncle's grave. God said to me that nothing is ever in vain for His Kingdom. We should not underestimate the battles our forefathers fought, because we eat the fruit of their battles. Faith, strength, endurance, blessings - our spiritual inheritance!
In this life we live for Jesus, we see many get miraculous healing and people set free. The world might think we must be untouchable. Yet, all disciples came together to intercede and war for the health of a dear sister in Christ. We all saw the victory in the spirit and stood firm in faith. The victory she got, was running into Jesus's arms. I'm so encouraged by their peace in the midst of heartache and tears. The saying: "We should look and act differently in this broken world" - came alive to me through their life. But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 KJV
My dear friend in faith and love for Jesus, lost her husband two days ago. It was a day like any other. She couldn't get hold of him and learned there was a car crash where she last saw him. He passed on after ten days in ICU. I stood with her in prayer and faith for a miracle. During this time God prompted me to keep praying His perfect will, which I had no idea what it was, but I trust Him. God awoke me from a dream just after midnight the Saturday morning, where I dreamt he blew out a breath and God caught it. Her life suddenly and unexpectedly life took a U-turn. Her words still ring in my ears: "We had so many plans, this wasn't one of them."
We can't know what tomorrow holds, but we can trust the One that holds tomorrow. As that song says: "To turn our ashes into beauty." Does it mean it's easy? It's hard and painful. But I believe that when we truly walk with Jesus, He is our strength when we are weak. Our lives become a testimony unto Christ. The faith that one day we will see the beautiful mosaic God was busy making out of all our hardships and how they connect. Because we live with a Kingdom mindset with eternity in mind. This life is just a breath, but what's to come will last forever! May we all live this day to the fullest as if it's our last and treat those around us with His gentle kindness.
** Thank you to everyone mentioned above that concented to me using their stories.