I'd like to share with you what God has been dealing with and speaking to me about in the past few weeks. Isn't it amazing how God walks out everyone's journey unique to you? That He loves us so much to invest in us in a manner that only your heart can perceive. Therefore always remember that your journey will not look like someone else's! But what is important is to ensure that you are walking your journey in truth and a solid foundation which is Jesus Christ.
Before we went on our journey, I got this missionary book called; "And you will see Hoep-Hoeps." The title did not speak to me, because I've seen Hoep-Hoeps. As we traveled the coast, I realized I have a fascination with whales and had a dream about a whale as if God was saying something. We did finally see abundant whales. But more than that, "whales" in the spiritual sense moved my heart to seek God more.
God showed me that I find myself always rushing to appointments. And yes there is a place for being punctual. I want to be a good steward of my time, but how does that look to a mother of four? What am I imparting to my kids when I'm all tensed up and hurrying them up with words like: "We're going to be late!" God help! All I heard was this gentle voice asking me: "Where in the Bible do you read that Jesus rushed anywhere?" So I'm busy figuring out how to "unrush" myself! I realized that I took pride in the fact that I can do things fast and it became my lifestyle in everything! My motto. Imagine training for something your whole life just to find out you've got it all wrong.
So I look to Christ, His nature is peaceful (like whales). The answer is to live a lifestyle of resting in Him. Abiding in Him. But how? It doesn't help to come to a realization in your life and then fail to implement it! It brings it right back to the gospel. The truth is I can't. I'm in desperate need of a savior. Once I walk in true repentance, He does the work in me, He brings about the change in me. I then bring my part by one step of obedience at a time. Ironing out the creases in my heart with Jesus. The path of sanctification and holiness - but you have to choose it!
Now, I've learned that obedience with a bad attitude is still disobedience. The antidote to that is love! Obedience starts with the fear of the Lord, executed from a place of a love relationship with your Heavenly Father. Then that obedience is the highest form of worship you offer. A pleasing aroma unto the Lord. The Word of God becomes life when we start living it.
May you be encouraged to seek God's heart about your journey and areas of growth.